Get Involved



Become a signatory or make an official commitment

Employers worldwide hold the key to tackling malnutrition for the employees. We are set for continuous momentum in 2022 with more companies getting involved and committing to workforce nutrition. Employers can do so in two ways:

Become a signatory

Employers recognize the core values outlined in the Manifesto and commit to enhancing their workforce nutrition.

Make a commitment

Businesses share their workforce nutrition commitment that is recorded on the Nutrition Accountability Framework.


Signatories subscribe to the values in our manifesto

Signatories of the Workforce Nutrition Alliance share the ambition to have an impact and create a better world. In becoming an official Signatory of the Workforce Nutrition Alliance, these employers simply acknowledge and follow the values outlined in the Alliance’s Manifesto.


Benefits of being a signatory

Investing in workforce nutrition programmes is a win-win for both businesses and their employees. Not only do signatory employers enhance the capacity of their workforce by supporting their employees, and/or those of their suppliers, to access and better understand healthy nutrition, but being a signatory also helps your organisation to:

Become a leader in your field
Showcase your best practices
Access practical tools and resources
Network with other signatories


Become a signatory

Read our core values for achieving our key workforce nutrition deliverables. Any employer with a strong interest in, and commitment to, workforce nutrition can become a signatory of the Workforce Nutrition Alliance.

MAKE A COMMITMENTPrivate sector commitment making

Businesses – along with governments, multilateral organizations, donors and other development partners – are stepping forward to make financial, policy, programmatic, or impact commitments.

Following the N4G summit, the Nutrition Accountability Framework creates the world’s first independent and comprehensive platform for registering nutrition commitments and monitoring nutrition action. It has been endorsed by the government of Japan, the SUN Movement, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, USAID, GAIN and many others.

COMMITMENT MAKERSList of commitment makers

Commitment makers are businesses that are stepping forward to make programmatic, policy, financial and/or impact commitments towards workforce nutrition.

Griffith FoodsDSMAjinomoto
GoogleEat Well GlobalKao Corp
IndofoodUnileverQuorn Foods
OfiOlam Group